
The 9 Rarest Cat Breeds

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Most cat lovers easily recognize a British Shorthair, a Scottish Fold or a Siamese. But what about a Sokoke? Or a Peterbald? Rare cat breeds like these are a little harder to find…. The clue is in the name, we suppose (if you like pet history, check out these rare cat breeds)!

Whether you’re a budding cat guardian or simply looking after one of these beautiful rare cats, read on! Here, we’ll delve into the heart of all things ‘rare cat’ – and take a look at some of the cat breeds that might surprise even the most die-hard feline fans….

9 Rare Cat Breeds

According to the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), all pedigree cats can be considered rare – that’s because they only make up 2-4% of all pet cats. Here are 9 rare domestic cat breeds to help you get started!

American Wirehair

American Bobtail


Norwegian Cat

Sokoke Cat



Van Turco


American Wirehair


Meet the American Wirehair kitten from New York. An interesting story –

they appeared by chance! That’s right: in 1966, a natural genetic mutation occurred in a litter of 5 kittens, which eventually resulted in their trademark wirey fur. It’s just one part of everything that makes them rare!

Shortly after, in 1967, these cat breeds were officially recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Today, these adorable kittens are very easy to handle, independent, friendly and very curious – and perfect for families and parents starting their first journey.

American Bobtail

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Looking for a cat that embodies the wild spirit of its feline ancestors, all wrapped up in a cute and cuddly package? So, we present the American Bobtail cats.

These rare breed kittens are best known for their short (super cute) tails and sturdy appearance. In fact, you only have to look in the direction of an American Bobtail and see that fluffy tail to realize where the


Despite their wild appearance, they are notoriously affectionate and gentle cats, and love to be around humans. They’ve even earned the reputation of being the “Golden Retriever of cats” – which really tells you all you need to know about these beautiful felines.


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The Burmese cat is one of the most adorable and affectionate of all rare cat breeds – it’s even famous among dog lovers thanks to its loving, affectionate and highly sociable nature!

Interestingly, most modern Burmese can be traced back to a cat named Wong Mau, who was brought to San Francisco from Burma in 1930.

These versatile felines come in many different colors, including brown, champagne, sable… you can even find a lilac Burmese!

Norwegian Cat

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Did you know that the Norwegian cat almost became extinct in World War II? Fortunately for cat lovers around the world, it has not become extinct, but is still considered a fairly rare cat today.

The Norwegian Forest Cat – or ‘Wegie’ as it’s affectionately known – originates from Norway, and it’s its cold, Scandinavian origins that we can thank for its lush, fluffy coat! We think these cat breeds give off a majestic vibe – agree?

Despite their majestic looks, Wegies are known for being super friendly, very sociable and adorably affectionate. At the same time, they are quite independent, so they can be a great match for more laid-back cat owners.


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Ding ding ding – do we have a winner? According to the organization that chooses the rarest cat breeds, yes, they consider the Sokoke the rarest cat in the world.

So what makes the Sokoke so rare? Well, although the number of wild Sokokes is currently unknown, it is believed to be very small. Domestically, Sokokes are also few and far between. So if you’re the parent of one of these beauties, count yourself lucky!

What’s more, aside from the title of ‘rare domestic cat breeds’, these kitties are very intelligent – they can even learn tricks! – and they’re known for their laid-back nature (and for that pretty, striking striped fur).


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Can you believe this cuteness came about almost by accident? In the UK in the 1980s, a Persian Chinchilla and a Burmese were accidentally crossed, creating the Burmilla.

It wasn’t long before her pet mother at the time – Baroness Miranda Von Kirchberg – instantly fell in love with the adorable litter. And I’m glad she did!

These elegant and adorable piles of fur are currently one of the most prized exotic cat breeds. It’s not just a pretty face – the Burmilla cat makes an excellent family pet thanks to its affectionate, friendly and playful personality.


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What do you get when you cross a Burmese with a Siamese? No, this is not the beginning of a dry joke. The answer, of course, is an adorable and rare little feline known as the Tonkinese cat!

These sociable little cats love to be around humans and will happily accept all the cuddles, laps and kisses you give them.

They are probably best known for their striking appearance: they have short, silky fur with soft colored spots, and they usually have aqua blue eyes – although they can also have golden or green eyes. One thing’s for sure: we think they’re very cute.

Van Turco

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You know the Turkish Van. Originally from Lake Van in Turkey, these playful and fun felines have the trademark “Van pattern” – a mostly white coat with patches of color on the face and tail, typically ginger or brown.

What makes this beautiful long-haired cat a rarity? It is considered a “regional treasure” in its homeland, so its export to other countries is limited.

Another interesting fact about the Turkish Van? He is said to love water, which has earned him the nickname “the swimming cat”! Which, we think most pet guardians would agree, is certainly a rarity among our feline friends.


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Have you ever heard of a Peterbald? We’ll forgive you if not, as this Russian breed is one of the rarest cat breeds in existence.

Originally from St. Petersburg, he is the son of an Oriental Shorthair and a Don Sphynx. They are often confused with their parent, the Sphynx, as they can be completely hairless. However, not all Peterbalds are – for want of a better term – bald. Some have short hairs that resemble a fuzzy, velvety texture.

Very athletic, very smart – and very cute! -Peterbalds love getting attention from their favorite humans and are a great family kitty.

What Does Yomashi Say?

And who better to take care of your rare breed cats than the amazing providers we have at Yomashi? We know that with these kitties special care is always needed and that’s why all our providers are experienced, reliable and above all, have a lot of love to give!

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